Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Today, I have been inspired to write on this blog. It has been four years since my last post and I realized several things are different since then.
For one, I am definitely not the same person I was four years ago. So much has changed, so much has happened and so much has my perspective in life shifted.

During these four years, I have changed my habits, my kids have grown and I too have grown immensely. I have learned more in the last four years than I could possibly imagine, but this learning and growing did not come pain free.

An important lesson that I still have yet to master, is to be constantly be aware that what I say and do in this world has an impact, and it is not always the intended one. I have yet to figure out that middle ground where I am able to be myself and be mindful of how others can interpret my actions and words. I have yet to detach myself from my ethos and be in tune with my surroundings, even though I have tried really hard to develop mindfulness. Understanding the why, how, when and where to develop such mindfulness is a lifetime effort. I don't want to sound pessimistic, but the selfless love must be immense  in order to achieve mindfulness. Nonetheless I try. I try not to give up and love. Love as much as I can.

These last four years have taught me to forgive, forget, let go, move one, give second chances and hope. Both in my personal and professional lives, I have had to do this in order to survive, to not loose hope of a brighter future. In these four years, I have found myself and lost myself multiple times. I am in my inevitable roller coaster, full of ups and downs, turns and flips. Right now, I'm  feeling flipped. No idea if this will move up, down or turn, just holding tight so I don't fall and can keep on going.

Let's see where this coater takes me. For now, I will continue to contemplate the view every morning and try to make the best of each day.

I leave you with such view.

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