Thursday, April 8, 2010

Arlette's emotions: A roller-coaster.

Hello! I finally found a moment to sit down and write.

It has been almost two weeks since the last time, and boy how many things have happened to me.  My emotions have gone from the deepest low to very high, from sad, disillusioned and desperate to happy and hopeful.

Work, home and my head feel like three different realities.  They coexist and bring about chaos, because each interfere with one another. One has become overwhelming, then peaceful, then uncertain. The other suddenly becomes pleasant and full of dreams and the other one disconnected, confused, paralyzed.

To help canalize all these emotions, I hopped them all on a roller-coaster and took them on a spin with the pen and paper one day and the camera another.

Here are the results of these rides that still have not stopped.

Please write some comments, maybe they will help me get off and ride on something more stable.

Thanks for reading and for your time,
