Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I've been busy these days!

My dear friends, I broke my promise of not taking so long to post again.  It has been more than a month since my last post, and if I am writing right now, it is due to the words of encouragement from Mr. F. and a good dosage of will power.

I have been so busy it is unbelievable.
My son had his school's spring concert last Thursday. It was wonderful to hear him play the sax in his school band. My favorite piece was Antiquitus by Joseph Compello.

On Friday, my daughter performed at her school in "High School Musical 2", as Kelsi, the pianist. She had a small solo part singing "You are the music in me", she was awesome!

We went to see Banana Shpee in the city on Saturday.  It was great, I highly recommend it; and on Sunday, went to a baby shower in Jersey. And this was only last week.

Work has been quite busy as well.  Many changes are happening, people leaving and coming.  2010 is definitely a year of change.

Emotionally, my roller coaster went turbo this month. I am convinced I must have some hormonal problems or something.
Again, I went from happy, I am getting things done, I am content with my life, to complete dissatisfaction, questioning every aspect of my life.

This questioning, aided by a wonderful book I got for mother's day titled "Me: five years from now" by Sheree Bykofsky (which by the way, I am not ready to tackle) prompted many, many questions.  Here is a small (very, very small) sample:
Who the f---- am I?
Where am I going?
What am I good at?
What makes me happy?
Why am I so angry?

Sounds like philosophy, right?  These are the kind of questions you find on subway ads for The Philosophy Institute (I think is called), have you seen them?

Then, I asked myself, Am I going crazy?

Here is a little drawing I think illustrates what I was feeling a couple of days ago.

A.  Cepeda 5/2010

I will ask for your assistance to help me climb a few steps of the mountain called The Infinite Search of Finding Out Who I Am.  I f you have a moment, please answer the question below, (paraphrased from the aforementioned book). I ask that you be as sincere as you can. It can be as trivial or as deep as you like, but parting from your own experience with me. You can comment anonymously if you don't want me to know who you are, or if it makes you feel more comfortable.  Remember it is for the good of the cause, which is to help me figure out some parts of who I am or at least know how others perceive me. Here it goes:

"If you were describing me as a character in a novel, this is what you would say" ...

I will leave you with that thought/homework and another drawing.

A.  Cepeda 5/2010

Your comments are always welcome and I looking forward to reading them. Thanks for your time.



  1. Yo te voy a responder por el email... Un poquito más privado. Mean while, I love the drawings! I can't wait to get together with you.

  2. Muy lindo post y me gustan los dibujos! :)
