It is late, I had been thinking about this moment all day, yet the moment came and I am blank. I guess it must be because I am tired. I want to share many things with you, but they are all incoherent, loose ideas, all jammed up in my head. Practice makes perfect, I hope that the more I post the better I'll get, I hope.
I took a few pictures this week and wanted to share them with you. I also did a few drawings that I plan to post over the weekend.
I think this year is a year of change, of radical change. The Earth is shaking, the economy is crumbling and on a personal level, the dissatisfaction is reaching a limit. Let me rephrase that last statement; the desire for fulfillment is almost unbearable. That sounds better. Everything as I know it is changing or will change soon, hopefully for the better. What used to be is no longer, I hope I can adapt and move on.
I will leave you with a quote and some pictures:
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself"
I love your artwork and your pictures!